Monday, January 5, 2009

The Fight Of My Life Starts Now!

Courage is the opposite of fear. When we look at other people in their 40s, we wonder how some seem to have aged with grace, while others are looking like their in their 50s. A stress and anxiety-ridden life is exhausting. We need to fight it before it happens.

Today, rather than when it’s too late --- we have to wage a war on the stress and anxiety that hinder us from aging beautifully. When we live in constant fear, we are always a step closer to disease.

Here are a couple of things you could do:

When it’s all too much, stop.

Rather than let the mind become overwhelmed, fight it before it happens. When the mind is feeling like its on overload, it’s time to step back, regroup, rather than power on through for stress and anxiety to step in, leave some room for clear thought. Take a few long, deep breaths – it slows down the heart rate, and relaxes you. Also, let out a sigh --- this is the body’s way of letting itself know that everything’s okay.

Feel good.

When you’re overwhelmed, and you feel horrible, stress and anxiety steps in, which only robs us of precious energy in the body while doing some harm. Fight it before it happens --- engage in some physical activity --- tap your feet under your desk, take a brisk walk, or jog even for a couple of minutes. Physical activity produces endorphins, or feel-good chemicals, which help fight stress and anxiety.

Be realistic.

We don’t need to imagine the worst possible scenario all the time --- this only leads to unwanted stress and anxiety, so we need to fight it before it happens. Rather than predict outcomes that are impossible to see, just let things be. Perform a realistic assessment on whether a situation can do a turn for the better.

Be kind, love yourself.

If a situation doesn’t pan out as you thought it would, let it go. Rather than feel stress and anxiety over things that you can’t change, throw it out and move on. There’s no reason to feel bad about a bad situation, unless you’re holding on to the feeling. Think about it, when you think about negative memories, your physiological state starts feeling bad. Fight it before it happens --- let the bad things go. Forgive your opponents, (real or perceived) and forgive yourself. When you look at the negative side of things, you tend to forget about the good stuff --- you’re a champ in your prime, waging a full-scale war on stress and anxiety, and shouldn’t that be enough to make you love yourself?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Life certainly begins after 40. I'm in my late 50's and only started running a website and blogging less than 2 years ago.
Your post hits the spot - be kind to yourself. Everything flows from that. If we are as kind to ourselves as we are to others, we would all be a lot happier.