Saturday, January 3, 2009

How Macular Degeneration Changed My Life

One of our readers has something to say about Macular Degeneration:

For the longest time, I’ve been very afraid of losing my eyesight. That is, well, until I started accepting it.

I have this friend who broke his leg once --- everyone was giving him pity looks, saying things like, “awww, you poor thing, stuck with that horrible crutch.” However, for him, the crutch was his means of getting around. He felt he was lucky to have the crutch, rather than not being able to go anywhere.

He was sincere about that though, which got me into thinking: am I lucky to have macular degeneration? It’s all a matter of perspective.

Of course, I feel that macular degeneration is a horrible, horrible thing that ruins the eye sight, and that there is no redeeming factor about it. Then again, we’ve heard of extraordinary people who go through their lives without their eye sight who are doing amazing things.

We have blind teachers, attorneys and what-have-you. Macular degeneration doesn’t sound like something that would bring these people down. The difference between them and me? They felt lucky. Lucky to be alive, lucky to get to wake up daily and get a chance to make something of their day.

While I was focusing on the negative things about macular degeneration, I was missing out on my caring family who tirelessly take me to take me to the physician to get my eyes checked, I was missing out on my children of whom, without question, would read aloud some fine print that I’m not able to read anymore.

Let’s just say --- I was lucky without knowing it. For now, me and the family are considering a surgical solution. Sometimes, I just wish people knew how lucky they actually are --- macular degeneration or not.

It’s all a matter of perspective, you see, and sometimes you can see, but you don’t have the insight.

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