Tuesday, November 11, 2008

3 ways to make the most out of your 40's

Being 40 isn’t for the weak of heart. Think about it: your kids are growing up, your younger colleagues at work speak and act a little more cautiously around you, you tend to forget things, your eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be.

On top of that, you’d have to deal with how people react to these things like it’s your fault! Like you wanted the memory loss, the bad eyesight, the rebellious streak your kids are developing, etc.

Those concerns serve no greater purpose other than for you to stress yourself over nothing. If you raised the kids right, even if they rebel, they’ll seek the path which makes their parents proud. Your younger colleagues aren’t ignoring you on purpose, they’re being respectful; to which you can always ask to be part of their jokes, you might’ve picked up some by your 40’s! The health thing? If you live a healthy lifestyle, dieting, work-out, you won’t have to worry about that. What you should worry about? Being ordinary.

Why should you be? You made it this far, it’s time to make the most of your 40’s! Here’s a few ways how:

Create a Masterpiece
You might’ve had distractions before you got to complete that book, that painting or that sculpture --- now that that’s all out of the way, it’s time to make the world a better place after you’ve gone through with it. Not enough time? Try and start up a blog --- that’s what I did, and it’s a great way to release stress. Remember: when you make something, it’s a way of living forever; it might be remembered or referenced long after you’re gone!

Take Up Sports
Know what? If you’ve spent much of your youth playing sports, chances are, those old reflexes are still there, and probably at a more optimal condition than the rest of the people your age. If you’re not too sure, try running or golf. Remember to consult a doctor before trying a certain sport, like jumping off a cliff and hang-gliding.

Love Thy Family
Spend as much time with your family as you can. If ever you were a young parent like I was, and have made it this far, with family intact, consider yourself lucky. Make Sundays into grand family gatherings, lunch at your home. It’s a good way to impart parts of yourself to the younger members of the family.

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