Thursday, November 20, 2008

5 Most Common Age-Related Diseases

Reaching your 40’s is no easy feat; bad health choices, bad habits, bad diets aside, the potential for age-related diseases is the biggest hurdle of our age.

By the time you get to your 40’s, a headache isn’t just a headache anymore --- it could already be a symptom for some disease your grandfather might’ve had, and an afternoon’s rest wouldn’t entirely cure you from that.

For your pleasure (and our caution), here’s a little preview of what not taking supplements, not exercising and not eating right might bring:

Type II Diabetes – Have you noticed ants flocking around the toilet after you’ve just pee’d? Have you been gaining / losing weight unusually? Then you might have Type II Diabetes. When the body is unable to process the sugar and carbohydrates in food, it might be a sign to be cautious. Excessive thirst, urination, sweating, unusual digestive problems and your vision starts to blur --- might be the symptoms of Type II Diabetes. Fret not, if you are in your 40’s, it’s just the onset of the illness, and a visit to your physician is in order.

Alzheimer’s Disease – Is the most common type of dementia. It is incurable, degenerative and most often, terminal. Are you becoming absent minded? Do you feel disoriented a majority of the time? Do you often get mood swings? These are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease. These symptoms are often mistaken for “old age,” but if you notice that your memory loss is too bad to ignore, seek a physician for an opinion.

Degenerative Arthritis – Over time, the cartilage in-between the bones break down, causing massive friction between the joints, which causes pain. Sometimes spurs or even a new bone develop where the cartilage used to be, these are extremely painful, and may even lead to a joint not moving ever again. Keeping a healthy weight in your 40’s can help ward off these effects. See your physician for the ideal weight for your age.

Heart Disease – Chest pains and shortness of breath are often tell-tale signs that something’s wrong with the heart. There might be blockage, or high-blood-pressure-dut-to-an-unhealthy-diet might’ve thrown your body off its balance. Exercise, supplements and proper dieting can prevent this.

Destructive Eye Diseases – These vary from glaucoma, to cataracts, but Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) progression is wildly dependent on a person’s nutrient intake. A supplement with the combination of Vit C, Vit E, Beta Carotene and Zinc have 17%-20% chance of slowing down the progression.

There are other, scarier age-related diseases that aren’t mentioned here, but all stem from a lifestyle of excess and lack of nutrients. Get some tests done and visit your doctor to confirm your deficiencies. Get that fixed and you might just find that these are the ways on how to help yourself.

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