Friday, November 21, 2008

Habits that put you at risk
Here are so-called lifestyle choices/habits that are dangerous to your health.  But you knew that already, so here’s what’s topping that list.

It could be one of those bad habits you might’ve picked up from youth, or something that you’re taking too much of, without realizing that it’s doing the body harm.  If you are guilty of any of these, and find that it’s too hard to quit, remember, health is a commitment not only to yourself, but for your family.

Smoking.  Think about it, other than probably making you look cool when you were younger, what else is smoking good for?  Every time you puff on a cigarette, you are inhaling about 400 different toxic substances, most of them carcinogens.  Cigarettes are just bad for your heart and lungs --- unless you want an intervention, give yourself and your family the gift of quitting the habit. 

Alcohol.  Alcohol is a twisted wonder --- enough of it will provide you with pleasure, but abuse the drink, and you’d have a lifetime of troubles.  While it’s been proven that a moderate amount of alcohol is actually good for you, but remember, alcohol is a depressant; however fun a night of drinking is, there’s no guarantee that a smile will still be on your face once it catches up in the morning.  Excessive drinking also puts you at risk for several types of cancer, heart damage, high blood pressure and heart damage.

No exercise and improper eating habits.  Lack of activity and an unbalanced diet is a killer.  If you’re always substituting junk foods for proper meals, combined with hours in front of the computer, you are more likely to become overweight.  Eating mostly processed foods may lead to type-2 diabetes, and having more weight puts you at risk of many types of cancer and heart disease.

Breaking the rules you make.  By far, this is the most important habit that’s affecting your health today.  Every time you say, “just another bite/sip/stick,” you’re putting your life at risk once again.  The first step of any life-change is acknowledging what areas in your life you want to change.  Next is coming up with the proper regimen, remembering to set aside time for exercise and planning your meals.  The third is sticking with it.  But if you keep telling yourself to do better next time, then what’s the point?  Sticking with a lifestyle choice can give you something that lasts longer than the cheap thrills of a bad habit.

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