Monday, November 10, 2008

Midlife Crisis Is A Disease --- Only If You Let It

We’re always at a crossroads. Depending on where you’re looking from, you’re either x-years-old or x-years-young.

If we have a so-called “mid-life” --- why are we flipping over it? Doesn’t it denote that there’s still half a life to live with? If you encounter midlife crisis in your late-30s or 40s, wouldn’t that signify that you still have 30 or so more years to make up for everything? “Life starts at 40,” you’ve heard of it, right?

There are three principal causes of midlife crisis: denial, blame and isolation. Midlife crisis becomes a disease Let’s take a little look at how this age-related disease could potentially damage the remaining half of a midlife crisis sufferer’s life.

Denial a.k.a. “No, I’m not *that* old yet!”
What is often denied is often true. You weren’t born yesterday --- literally. You’ve been through good times, tough times and you’re still alive, so why deny that? When a person is suffering midlife crisis through denial, he/she might as well be suffering from delusion. Usually a person in denial utilizes various extravagant means to keep themselves feeling young --- this includes trying to re-live “glory days” --- binge drinking like in college, spending thousands in cosmetic surgery, --- you get the picture. Denial is a disease in and of itself.

Blame a.k.a. “It’s all you’re fault!”
You’re always older than the minute before. Everyone continues to age, whether they like it or not; So why place the blame on someone else? When you barrage your parents for getting you born in the 50’s or 60’s or when you start berating your wife and kids because their hassles add up to your own personal stress, then you are indeed suffering a condition. Instead, why not own up to it? Take responsibility --- repeat this to yourself in front of the mirror “I’m old because I make myself feel old. I could feel young by engaging in age-appropriate activities that help me feel even more healthy or youthful.”

Isolation a.k.a. “Leave me alone / Kill me NAO!”
Frequenting an area of the house by your lonesome for long periods of time a day is self-destructive. Sitting out alone in the basement or garage will make you crazy. Think about it --- prisoners dread isolation; when you’re all alone, you think --- when you think, you tend to rationalize negative scenarios about your present or future. In your midlife, you’ve probably made some friends, right? Plus, family’s always there for you.

There you have it. Don’t let the symptoms get to you. You’re better than that. Now go and LIVE the following half of your life!

1 comment:

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