Thursday, December 18, 2008

Keeping The Mind Healthy In Your 40's

The mind is arguably the most important part in the human body. It is directly responsible for our well-being, whether we are aware of it or not.

Because honestly, in my head, I’m still me when I was in the third grade, highschool, as a bachelor --- it’s just that I’m in an older body.

Think about the mind as the great big operating system of the human machine. Imagine --- it handles side processes like breathing, regulating blood while also allowing you to control your actions.

Those with a healthier mindset are usually the healthy ones while in contrast, the ones who are consumed by worry are the ones who get sick more often. It’s not hard to see the correlation now, right?

Question is, how do you train your mind to be healthy?

Release – Hale Dowskin from the Sedona Method has said it better: the only way you can feel pain from the past and anxiety in your future is when you’re still holding on to that feeling. The heart may well be romanticized to control the emotions, but its really your head calling the shots. Cut out unnecessary causes of stress in your mind by mentally letting them go. Forgive past grievances, make amends with what is inevitable in your future.

Think In The Now – Because really, why dwell on the past --- you can’t change it. Why worry about the future when it isn’t here yet? When you take down all these layers of regret, worry and self-doubt, you find that prioritizing becomes a lot easier.

Meditate – No, meditation isn’t all about controlling your breaths --- it could be as simple as reassessing your life goals every week. Why not ask yourself personal growth questions on a set schedule? (Everyone needs personal growth; even those beyond 40!) For example, ask yourself, “how could I be a better spouse / parent / employee this week?”

Be Happy! – Release pent-up aggression as soon as it develops --- squeeze the life out of a stress ball, take a walk --- think of your beautiful family when you’re in doubt. Watch funny movies and tv shows. A stress-free life is a healthy life.

Those are just some of the ways to keep your mind healthy after 40. Do you know any more ways? Leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

If you have a health problem you want to discuss, go to

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