Friday, December 26, 2008

Top 10 Causes Of Morbidity In The Philippines

If you have been living in the Philippines ever since you were born, you would be so used to having all these kinds of pollutions we have now. If you go to other countries, you would see a different sky. I never thought that the grass would be really greener and the sky would be actually be bluer in other countries.

A lot of people get sick here in the Philippines and they think that it is normal. They do not know that the causes of these sicknesses are because of these 10 reasons:

  1. Water pollution – Factories dumping toxic chemicals in the sea would have a domino effect. Fishes that we eat would be poisoned and when consumed by humans, it won’t be a good source of nutrition.
  1. Noise pollution – You think that noise pollution don’t cause sickness? Noise pollution can cause hypertension, high stress levels, annoyance and aggression
  1. Soil pollution – Plants and vegetables is a healthy food source. Of course, when polluted with chemicals, one would know the many effects in can cause.
  1. Population – The more the merrier? No. The more people there is in one country, the more sickness it can spread and at a faster rate.
  1. Lifestyle – Eating out? Fast food is very bad. Very unhealthy. It will make you sick!
  1. Limited resources – In the Philippines, where we were recently hit by the rice shortage crisis, people resort to eating alternatives or not eating at all. Also, resources of organic food is limited that only those people who are willing to pay a premium price can avail of the fresh organic food from selected places.
  1. Evolving sickness – Bird Flu transmitted to humans? Well, this is one effect of pollution but we can blame this on us, human beings, because we are the ones destroying the environment.
  1. Attitude – having a bad attitude would not only make seem your life longer but, it would actually make it shorter. Suicide rate in Japan and Hong Kong are among the highest when stock market crashes. In the Philippines, it’s not yet as high as those countries but, with this economic turmoil and instabilities, it would surely grow.
  1. Crime – sad but true. The crime rate here in the Philippines is high that I do not hear in the news a day passing without someone being killed.
  1. Global warming – and this, my dear friend is not a made up story. All the things we do contribute to this ticking time bomb. Smoke belching factories and cars, non-biodegradable materials, non-recyclable things and other things we do, unknowingly contribute to global warming which would soon be the number one source of disaster not only in the Philippines but to the world from sickness, to drought, earthquakes and high floods.


Tarun Kumar said...

i really impress with you blog and plz keep writing for this blog.

Anonymous said...

my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.

Anonymous said...

I agree with told all above.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?
