Saturday, December 13, 2008

What Are You Fighting For?

With obligations hanging over our heads on a daily basis, it’s tough to find time for what you’re really fighting for --- you!

It shall be noted that I will use the word “fight” throughout this entire article with it pertaining to image of the raw, survivalist instinct it invokes, not “fight” as in brawl.

We fight for someone everyday. When we stand up for an officemate being abused, or when we say we’ll fight for love, or, in times of desperation, there’s a fight for your life. But do you really have to be in times of desperation to fight for yourself? That’s what is lacking in most people nowadays --- a relationship with themselves.

When you think of yourself as a fighter, it means you possess enough inner strength and scrappiness to face tough issues ahead. Here are some of the important things to fight for:

Fight for your rights. According to the World Health Organization, "the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being..." It is your absolute right to be healthy. Should you feel someone is hindering that goal, then it’s time to fight for your basic rights. If you didn’t know the basics about your health rights, then part of the hope is lost --- people may be taking advantage of you already.

Fight for food. Well, not literally. Everyone deserves a good well-balanced meal, and not live off on fast foods, junk snacks and sodas. You deserve what you get --- you should never, ever feel bad about spending for food. Not only is eating one of the most basic joys of being alive, it’s also our main source of energy, to fight for the next day.

Fight for the truth. News reports about the latest health miracle shouldn’t be considered the pure and absolute truth. Think about it … is televised news 100% accurate all the time? So what should happen, should they introduce health risks and hazards --- are you going to believe them, no questions asked? A feeling starts from signals from the brain. If you listen to your television 100% of the time, you’d be too petrified to leave your house, in case viruses were on the loose.

Fight for youth. When you fight for your life, your adversaries (the bad habits) are just one thing to think about, you get older too; Slower reflexes, memory problems, and a blurring eyesight --- is this what you want? Probably not. Rather than stay laser-focused on the issues everyone gets when growing old, why not fight it? Fight for life. When you fight aging, you are committed to making yourself better, not only will you remain youthful, you also ward off diseases that come from a lifestyle of excess.

There you have it. These are the things we have to fight for in our lives if we haven’t been doing so already. We owe it to ourselves to put a smile on, and fight for the new day.

Go to Over 40 and Fighting website now!

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